In the eCredits Wallet App, select the menu "Exchange".

If you have balance on your exchange´s account, you will see this balance, and be able to initiate a Quick Trade in the eCredits Wallet App, which is technically using a third-party exchange through the API connection on a specific asset (e.g. ECS or EUR). 


If you have a balance, click on Quick Trade and set the amount you want to exchange. 

The estimated outcome will be displayed in the eCredits Wallet App

If you agree to the exchange rate and the third-party exchange trading fee, confirm and a market order on the third-party exchange to be placed.
The actual trade is executed on the third-party exchange.

Please note, that the prices (exchange ratios) displayed within the eCredits Wallet App for the various cryptocurrency and/or FIAT pairs (Assets) are based on the latest (but not guaranteed expected exchange rate) market data, provided by the third-party exchange and represent the last price that was executed on the third-party exchange orderbook for the relevant cryptocurrency and/or FIAT pair which is displayed directly via the third-party exchange API link. 

The exchange rate displayed for a particular cryptocurrency and/or FIAT pair does not reflect the actual value of the Assets or the price at which a User may execute a trade for a particular pair on the third-party exchange. Therefore, the actual exchange rate, price or value of each relevant pair may significantly differ from the displayed estimation value of Assets. Users should take into consideration potential »price slippage« effect, trading and withdrawal fees and check directly with the third-party exchange for more information on trading functionalities. Price displays and exchange ratios do not include any possible trading fees on the third-party exchange.